Thursday, May 14, 2009

Body Detox Made Easy

You need a system that can help you by:

o Removing heavy metals such as lead and mercury
o Detoxify your liver, kidneys and other organs – even the brain
o Replenish the friendly bacteria with a pro-biotic formula
o Recharge your immune system with a powerful antioxidant support

You might also want to work on your emotional state and detoxing your mind. While your brain is an organ as well and will get the same benefit from detoxing the other organs of your body, detoxing the soul is a bit different.

If you want to cleanse and refresh your body, it is a great idea to cleanse and refresh your mind and spirit at the same time which can be done in a 10-day full body detox. Spend time relaxing, recouping and retraining your mind. Take time to de-stress from all the worries and trouble in the world and in your life while also cleansing your body physically.

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